Washington finalizes Clean Fuel Standard to reduce climate pollution, protect health, and benefit local economy with implementation beginning Jan 1, 2023 Olympia, WA—Yesterday, the Washington State Department of Ecology released the final rule for the Clean Fuel Standard (CFS), confirming details for the program that will launch on January 1, 2023. The Washington State legislature […]
From fryers to fuels: Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program provides cleaner ways to get around

Thanks to Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program, companies like Burgerville and SeQuential have partnered up to help us breathe easier and make the transition to clean energy.
Washingtonians Can Breathe Easier: Clean Fuels Coming
Marking a victory for people’s health, the environment, and economic recovery, the Washington Legislature this spring passed a Clean Fuel Standard. The new law will reduce air pollution and slow gloal warming by requiring transportation fuel producers to reduce the carbon intensity in their products or to invest in the production of cleaner fuels, such […]
Third Time’s A Charm: State Senate Makes History Advancing Critical Climate Policy
Clean Fuel Standard one step closer to Governor Inslee’s desk The Washington State Senate voted to pass a Clean Fuel Standard late Thursday night (April 8, 2021), 27-20, marking a victory for people’s health, the environment, and economic recovery. This is the first time the Senate has voted on the policy, after a majority of […]
Key Senate Committee Votes to Advance Clean Fuel Standard
Pressure on Senate Leadership to approve Critical Climate Policy Majority of Washingtonians Consistently Support The Washington state Senate Ways & Means Committee advanced a Clean Fuel Standard yesterday, delivering the bill to the brink of a Senate floor vote. This is the closest the policy has come to becoming law in three years of consideration […]
Broad Range of Voices Call for Senate to Act on Clean Fuel Standard
The State Senate made progress toward enacting a statewide Clean Fuel Standard with the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee voting for the policy. It next moves to the Senate Ways & Means committee and could mean the chamber will finally act this year after failing to do so for the past two years. This […]