Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program can help families and businesses save big bucks by expanding fuel choices to cleaner, affordable fuel options. WATCH: Eugene mom, Shanna, describes how cleaner fuel options could benefit her family. With three sons playing sports all over the state, her fuel bill is something she takes very seriously. She tells us […]
Biz, Labor: Reauthorize Clean Fuels Program

Last year, a number Oregon’s leading business and labor leaders were brought together to form a committee to advise the Governor on Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program. Over the last 12 months, the group heard from experts, read analyses, examined California’s model, shared their collective economic and market experience. And last week, they announced the results of their […]
Clean Fuels could replace 25% of oil consumption
According to a new study from ICCT and E4Tech, there is ample supple of clean fuels along the entire West Coast. In fact, clean fuel alternatives could reduce gasoline and diesel use in the Pacific Coast region by around 400,000 barrels per day by 2030. This is about one-quarter of on-road fuel consumption. See the fact sheet on […]
Business, Labor support Oregon Clean Fuels Program
Great news out of the Governor’s office: Today the Clean Fuels Advisory Committee is calling for the reauthorization of Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program, citing its potential to create jobs, position the state as a leader in alternative fuel production, and save Oregonians more than a $1 billion in fuel costs. NEWS RELEASE February 2, 2015 Media […]
Clean fuels help economy as well as environment

ICYMI, Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian weighs in on the expanding Clean Fuel workforce in Oregon — where the jobs are local, middle-income, and growing! Avakian acknowledges: Clean fuel companies have demonstrated their desire to expand in Oregon. Students are showing that Oregon’s workforce is ready. And consumers, knowing that gas prices will surely spike back soon, want […]
Portland Business Journal: Cleaner fuels benefit all Oregonians

Regular PBJ columnist The Climate Trust weighs in on Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program: [Oregon’s Clean Fuels program] benefits Oregonians in many ways. First, it reduces the pollution we create when we drive, which preserves the quality of the air we breathe. Cleaner air is healthier for everyone — particularly our elders and children — and […]